Our practice is focussed primarily on game birds. Between them our clients rear and release more than 2,500,000 pheasants and about 500,000 Partridges. We want you to rear and release … [Read More...]

A veterinary practice dedicated to the well being of gamebirds
Unit 1 The Boscombe Centre
Amesbury, Wiltshire, SP4 7RX
01980 622350
DGC is a veterinary practice, which specialises in game bird health management and disease prevention. We also take care of domestic poultry and racing pigeons
Our practice is focussed primarily on game birds. Between them our clients rear and release more than 2,500,000 pheasants and about 500,000 Partridges. We want you to rear and release … [Read More...]
Worm Egg Counts Worm infestations can affect the health of your birds, especially in young birds. Signs include poor performance, weight loss and diahrreoa. Worm egg counts can be done to … [Read More...]
Worm Egg Counts Worm infestations can affect the health of your birds, especially in young birds. Signs are diarrhoea, listlessness, loss of condition and death in very heavy infestations. Birds … [Read More...]
Preventing disease is always cheaper than treating it, so our objective is to work with our clients to rear their birds as free of disease as possible and then provide for a disease-free release. To … [Read More...]